
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I'm back everyone! Let's bring this clan back to life!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The battle has ended.

Featherstar leaped onto HighRock."The battle has finally ended.We are proud to have helped Twilightclan in their battle.Thankfully,no cats lives were taken.Let us carry on peacfully."He smiled."All those injured,go see Mistyfire and Meltingpaw."He jumped back down.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Helping Twilightclan!

Attention Lifeclan!Twilightclan has asked for our help in attacking Pineclan.Anyone with training may join battle.The link is
Hurry and help us!

Friday, September 24, 2010


"Let all those old enough to catch their own prey gather under they Liferock for a clan meeting!"Featherstar yowled."As most of you know,the gathering is tonight.Here are the cats who are going.First off,I want Nightslash to stay here and watch camp.I'm still wary after that rouge attack.Those who are going are:

The rest stay behind at camp to protect it.

(the link is )

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meltingpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Highrock for a clan meeting!"Featherstar yowled as he jumped up."We have three new cats joining us today.They are going to join us as apprentices,and one is going to be the new Medicine cat apprentice!"He smiled kindly at the three cats below him."I shall give you each your name until further notice."Featherstar looks and a black and white she-cat."You shall be Frostedpaw.Nightslash will be your mentor."He looked to his deputy to show her who he was."Then he looked at a tabby tom with red/amber eyes."You shall be Ricochetpaw.Your mentor will be Frostpelt."Featherstar then nodded his head to a white she-cat.Then he looked at a silver tabby."You will be our new Medicine cat apprentice.Which means you shall learn from Mistyfire."Featherstar flicked his tail to a ginger she-cat."Please welcome these cats!Meeting dismissed!"Featherstar jumped down.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Warrior ceremonies!

Featherstar leaped back onto Highrock."I believe I have forgotten something!"He smiled."Would Tigerpaw and Skypaw come forward?"As the apprentices came forth,Featherstar began."Tigerpaw and Skypaw,you have both proved your with by fighting in battle and doing excellent training.For this I grant you both your warrior names."He looked at Tigerpaw first."Tigerpaw,by the power of Starclan I grant you your warrior name.From now on,you shall be known as Tigerfang."Then Featherstar looked to Skypaw."Skypaw,by the power of Starclan I grant you your warrior name.From now on you shall be known as Skycloud.Starclan honors you both."Then he leaped back down."NOW the meeting is dismissed.

Apprentice Ceremonies

Featherstar leaped onto the Highrock,his pelt now groomed."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Highrock for a clan meeting!"He shouted out loud and clear."We have some kits becoming apprentices."He announced.Poppykit,Bluekit,and Breezekit stepped forward.Featherstar looked down kindly at the kits."Do you all promise to learn the ways of the warrior code,and now protect your clan at any cost?"He asked.
The three kits nodded eagerly.
"Then by the power of Starclan,I give you your apprentice names,which you will be known by until you are a warrior.Poppykit,from now on you shall be known as Poppypaw.Bluekit,from now on you shall be known as Bluepaw.Breezekit,from now on you shall be known as Breezepaw."Feahterstar drew in another breath."Poppypaw,you shall be mentored by me."Featherstar smiled."Bluepaw,your mentor shall be Crestwing."Then he turned to Breezepaw."Breezepaw,your mentor shall be Tidepool."Featherstar leaped down."Meeting dimissed!"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wasppaw's warrior ceremony!!!

As the last of the rouges turned tail and fled,the tattered Featherstar leaped onto the Highrock."All cats old enough to catch their own prey..."He stopped a moment to catch his breath."Gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting."He finished and sat down,watched the wounded,tired cats gather around."We have chased the rouges away from our territory.In the battle I think Wasppaw showed great bravery and strength.It's time for his warrior ceremony."Featherstar smiled at the apprentice."Wasppaw,do you promise to continue to use the ways of the warrior code,and defend your clan as a full warrior?"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New deputy and medicine cat!

Since our deputy and medicine cat have become inactive,It is time to choose new ones,which will be appointed after our battle.Take this quiz,whoever gets the highest scores shall be the new deputy.The new medicine cat is Mistypaw,now to be know as Mistyfire.
1.How many lives does Featherstar have?
2.What was all of Firestars names?
3.Who mentored Firestar.
4.Who did Greystripe fall in love with and what clan is she from?
5.Who are Greystripes kits?
Our new medicine cat,Mistyfire!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Featherstar sag calmly in the clearing.Everything was normal,but something did feel right.He checked on Brightspot and the kits.He checked everywhere.But everything was in order.Then it hit him.There was rouge scent everywhere."Lifeclan,prepare for battle!"Just then tons of rouges poured into the camp."Lifeclan,attack."Featherstar yowled again and leaped into battle.She slashed at a toms eyes and sneered.When a few cats tried to reach the nursery,and jumped to it's defense and sent them fleeing.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


It is the gathering.All warriors and apprentices can come.It is at

Friday, June 11, 2010

ThicketPaw's Ceremony

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped expertly onto the HighRock as the cats gathered around.(Click title to comment.)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Okay.I have to delete two warriors,an apprentice and a queen because they are inactive.Please be aware that if you are not active I will delete your cat.Also,apprentice bio's are open again!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New members!

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped onto HighRock.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

SkyPaw's Ceremony

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar said after jumping up.(Click title to comment.)

Friday, June 4, 2010

BumblePaw's Warrior Ceremony!!!!

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar called and leaped onto HighRock.(Click title to comment.)


You do not need to reply to this.Please no more apprentice bio's,because we almost have more apprentices than warriors.Also,please DO NOT post until your bio has been accepted by me.Thank you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When FeatherStar entered camp,he called a meeting."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped onto HighRock."We have two rouges in our camp.They are here because they have kit far to young for travel.They will either stay here until they'rre kits are grown,or they can stay if they prove a worthy clan cat.Sound fair?"FeatherStar looked around the clearing.(Click title to comment.)


If any of your cats die on here,you can still post with them in Starclan.Here is the link to Starclan.

Friday, May 28, 2010

DangerPaw's and CrowPaw's and TigerPaw's and MistyPaw's Ceremony

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped up.'With so many cats joining,I may as well never get off this thing.'He purred to himself.(Click title to comment)
Banner created with

Thursday, May 27, 2010

BumblePaw's Ceremony

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"Featherstar's voice rang as he jumped onto the rock.
BrightSpot came out of the warriors den and sat in front of the rock.


Also,for some reason I can't make the home page change.If you go to a page and want to come back to home page,you'll have to type the url again.It is


Okay,If any are confused,this clan has been changed to Lifeclan due to difficilties.There is already a Stormclan in existence,and I didn't know.So this is know Lifeclan,the clan of FREEDOM!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ceremony 5

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped onto the HighRock again.
Brightspot immedeatly ran back out."Another ceremony?"She asked herself and sat down.
(Click on Title to comment)

Ceremony 4

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar called.(To comment click on title and comment.)

Ceremony 3

"Those old enough to catch their own prey gather here under the HighRock for a clan meeting."Jumping up,FeatherStar called to his clan-mates again."We have to new warriors.LionBlaze."FeatherStar turned to a ginger tom."And MoonFang."He switched his gaze to a gray she-cat."We will welcome into Lifeclan." "LionBlaze!MoonFang!LionBlaze!MoonFang!"FeatherStar smiled."Meeting dismissed."

Ceremony 2

"All cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather under that HighRock again for a clan meeting!"Featherstar called through the camp.He looked down and HawkHeart."We have a new warrior,HawkHeart.Welcome to Lifeclan."He smiled at her."May Starclan guide your path and be one of us now."He jumped down and touched her forehead with his muzzle."Do you promise to live the life of a warrior?"Featherstar asked.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here under the HighRock for a clan meeting!"Featherstar called out."NightSlash,You have proven your worthy.You shall be the new deputy of Lifeclan."FeatherStar bowed his head to look at Nightslash."LeafFur,come forward.You have worked hard.May Starclan guide my choice.You are the new Medicine cat of Lifeclan."Featherstar jumped down and entered his den.


Welcome to Lifeclan.I am Featherstar,and I will be your leader.Feel free to join us.