
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Training area

Here is where the mentor's can train their apprentices.It's sprinkled with rocks and small fallen trees that mentors tend to use for practice.


  1. "Hey tigerpaw try doing this!" bumbulpaw said as to showed him a battle move featherstar showed him. "Wow! let me try!" he said.

  2. After training for awile tigerpaw said ,"Lets go hunting."

  3. Later.....
    FeatherStar led BumblePaw to the training area."Okay,can you show me what you learned last lesson?"He sat down and looked calmly at his apprentice.

  4. bumbulpaw looked down at his paws and said i dont remember it in a sad voice

  5. puurrr this should ne fun!!! said leaffur enthusiastically

  6. ok well i do rember one thing now he said in a happy voice. Bumbulpaw doaged an invisable apponent then leaping at them.

  7. how did i do he said?

  8. "Excellent.Do you remember this move?"FeatherStar weaved side to side,slowly advancing unnoticably.Then he suddenly jumped onto BumblePaw's back and pretended to claw."Flip over!"He ordered,then jumped off.FeatherStar pretended to attack his exposed belly."Most opponents will flip over to crush you,so you must jump off first."He smiled at his apprentice.

  9. "No i dont but can i try" Bumbulpaw eagerly said?

  10. "Of course,but let's find someone else to try it on so they don't know what you're doing.How about CrowPaw?"FeatherStar flicked his tail.

  11. Crowpaw came up and said "Im ready." "Ok" Bumbulpaw said as he copyed featherstars exzample he moved back and forth then jumped on crowpaws back pretened to claw him. Then jumped back off beforecrowpaw had the chance to crush him and attacked his exposed belly just as his menter showed him.

  12. FeatherStar beamed proudly."Well done!"He purred at BumblePaw."You'll make a great apprentice."FeatherStar walked to him and twitched his whiskers."Lets head back."He tilted his head to camp and began to pad away.

  13. Crestwing walked into the Training hollow with Featherstar and Wasppaw. She glanced to her leader then began. "Alright Wasppaw do you remember what I showed you?" She asked. He looked around destractedly. "No." He mewed. She sighed, "Alright, watch." She rolled over neatly forward and got to her paws quickly. Then she scratched the air and rolled back. "Now you try." Wasppaw looked at her with wide eyes. "I can defiantly not do that. But I can do this." He said raising his paw as if to silence them. He twirled around twice catching his tail in his mouth. "Tada!" he called smiling around fur.


  14. FeatherStar snorted with amusement and purred."That won't protect any clan-mates,will it?"He smiled."That's okay,it's hard at first.But if you work hard you can learn this."FeatherStar zig-zagged back and forth,slowly advancing.Then he leaped up and landed on an imaginary warrior's back.He clawed furiously and jumped off before the fake warrior crushed him,then attacked his belly."That usually does a lot of damage."

  15. Crestwing watched Featherstar with confusion. Wasn't he going to punish Wasppaw? She let out a sigh and looked at her Apprentice. "Well?" She asked. He watched with awe. "I'll try!" He jumped back and forth without balance, then jumped up and began to fall clumsily. "Ah!" He called out as he fell onto the ground with a thud. His fur was covered in dirt and a flower perched itself on his head. "Ow..." he mewed sitting down with frustration.


  16. FeatherStar gave a sympathetic look then looked at Crestwing.'Don't worry,if he does it again he can clean out the nursery.'He said through his face."Try again."Then he retook his place to watch,not mentor.

  17. Crestwing smiled at Featherstar. That should just be his usual job, cleaning. That's all he can do!! She thought. Wasppaw shook the dirt from his fur. "Fine..." he got to his paws, zigzagged across the clearing and jumped to claw. He landed, well more fell, but did it okay. "I did it!" He mewed happily, bouncing around.


  18. FeatherStar purred at her comment and watched him.He smiled at WaspPaw's pride."What an energetice apprentice."He said to himself.

  19. Wasppaw bounced around. "I am the champion!! I am the Champion!!" He leaped onto crestwing, knocking her down. She let out a sigh of irritation. "Did you see that! Huh? Huh?" she pushed him off. "Yes, you did well." She purred.


  20. FeatherStar got an idea."WaspPaw,what would you do if you were alone in the forest and a badger attacked you?"

  21. Wasppaw's eyes went wide. "Well....I guess I'd warn the clan first." He said with confusion, not quite sure what he'd do.


  22. "Good,but what if you were cut off and there was no time?"FeatherStar was determined to make the apprentice's brain work hard and make a strategy.

  23. Wasppaw thought long and hard. "Okay...I guess since badgers can't climb very well I'd climb a tree." He mewed, then thought how cowardly that would be, "Then I'd attack from above! It can't attack me if I'm on its back!" He mewed proudly.


  24. FeatherStar nodded."Good."He looked to CrestWing for her comment.

  25. Crestwing was suprised that Wasppaw came up with that. She purred, "That's great Wasppaw, I'm glad your getting the hang of things." She mewed happily. He beamed at her praise.


  26. FeatherStar leaned in."He is very impressive.You must be a good mentor."He purred."Okay,tell me this."He said to WaspPaw."What would you do if two-legs bring their monsters into the forest?"

  27. Crestwing purred back. She had thought she was doing horrible. "Well...hmmm." Wasppaw sat down and thought long and hard. "Guess I'd find a way to lead them away." He mewed not sure what to do. "After I told the clan." He mewed.


  28. "Sounds reasonable."Then FeatherStar whispered to CrestWing."I think that should do.You can continue training.I'm pretty sure he's at least a little nervous with me watching him."He purred and left the clearing.

  29. Crestwing dipped her head to him as he left. "You did well." She mewed. "Thanks?" Wasppaw said uncertain. Crestwing purred, "Go get some rest." Wasppaw nodded and dashed off. Crestwing followed.

