
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Apprentices den

Here is where the apprentices sleep.It is in a hollow tree that is still upright.Some wood is still inside,so the apprentices can sleep further up the tree where it's warmer.Only the oldest apprentices get to sleep far up the tree.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bumbulpaw closed his eyes and before he fell asleap he thought "maybe tomarow i can train with danger or crowpaw. two nwe apprenticesin one day!"

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. NightSlash Says:crowpaw when u can i want to take u to the training hollow. lets see what u got.

  5. After the fight,watching guard, and helping to save tigerpaw, Bumbulepaw was so tired that he felt that he could sleep for moons.

  6. When Tigerpaw wokeup he felt very stiff. So he went into the camp clearing.

  7. Wasppaw lay down in the moss. 'ugh...' He thought as it pressed against his fur uncomfortably.


  8. Crestwing trotted into the den. She nudged Wasppaw with her paw. "Hey, ready for some training." She asked. He raised his head and blinked, then shrugged "Sure." He mewed. They walked to the Camp clearing.


  9. Soon after CrestWing and WaspPaw left,FeatherSTar came in and prodded BumblePaw."Come on."He purred in amusement."Let's not sleep all day like a door mouse."

  10. Crowpaw woke up and decided to go to the medicancatden ask mistypaw if tigerpaw was ready to leave camp and go hunting.

  11. Wasppaw walked in painfully. With each step he winced, "Ow...ow...ow...." He muttered, his paws sore and stiff. "Stupid Crestwing...Why can't she just take it easy instead of making me run around acting like some stupid rabbit all day?" He muttered with irritation. She had been training him hard. Not that he had even remembered anything. He lie down to sleep.

