
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Camp clearing

The camp clearing is a sandy and dusty hollow.It is smooth and soft under-paw.Most things go on here during the day,especially at sunhigh.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After finshing his fresh kill Bumbulpaw wondred "Were is everybody?"

  3. FeatherStar exited his den."Hello BumblePaw."He greeted his apprentice with a smile."Would you like to go train?"
    BrightSpot came out of the warriors den and stretched."Hi."She yawned to FeatherStar and BumblePaw.

  4. FeatherStar turned back to BumblePaw after nodding to BrightSpot."You but first,you need to go collect herbs for LeafFur in the forest."

  5. "Ok," Bumbulepaw said as he bounded away

  6. FeatherStar purred as a he ran off."He's lively,isn't he?"BrightSpot said as she came over to get fresh-kill.

  7. After telling featherstar about the loners bumbul decided to go to the training area with tiger paw

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. By the time mistypaw got in the clearing with bumbulepaw helping to drag tigerpaw ,she began to worrie if tigerpaw would make it till tomarow. He had lost alot of blood and he was going into shock, but he was a very yung and strong. He was a fighter too ,but she was still not sure if he would make it. She bounded to the medican den and brought back cobwebs and poppy seeds. She licked the deep scraches clean and then said to bumbulpaw "Put the cobwebs here and here then put pressure on them. We need to stop the bleeding!" Once the cob webs were in place and the bleeding stoped She steped back and said "That's all i can do for-" She was intrupted by a yowl of pain from tigerpaw . She lepted forword and said "it's ok back your at camp". Tigerpaw calmed down and said "Did we win?" Mistypaw let out a murrow of lafghter and said "Sure, you did"."I'm to give you some poppyseeds for the pain. then i want you to go back to your nes." she said stearnly. "Ok" tigerpaw said.

  10. Bumbulepaw was going back to his nest when featherstar called out to him and said" I want you to make a den for the new guests (the loners) and to keep guard by the entrance." "Ok" he tiredly said.

  11. After getting the den finshed he told the loners about the den and told them that he was to follow them. Wile he was with them he learned that the toms name was rock and his mates name was lakepelt. By dawn he was about to fall asleep when festherstar said that he was done and that he was to go to his den and rest. Greatful he was done he went to his den.

  12. Actually,the rouges are kind of prisoners.Because they are there since FeatherStar doesn't want them wondering freely in the territory.
    "Tomorrow we can go train in the training area!"He called after BumblePaw.
    "Night."BrightSpot meowed to everyone and entered the warriors den.

  13. Tidepool looked at the other cat startled. "What?" She asked wondering what it could be.


  14. BrightSpot could hardly contain her words."FeatherStar asked me to be his mate!"SHe squealed.(She was obsessed with him,and we need more yeah.)"I'm so happy!"
    FeatherStar peered out of his den and purred.Everyone could probably hear the calico warrior.

  15. Tidepool smiled at the she-cat. "That's great! You two look great together." She purred to Brightspot. She thought of Nightslash for a moment. Then sighed.


  16. (Oo la la! XD The emotion between TidePool and NightSlash begins!)
    "Thanks!"BrightSpot smiled and ran to the leaders den.

  17. (lolz yup :D)
    Tidepool watched her go into the leaders den. She smiled, glad for Brightspot, then decided to give herself a quick grooming. Gently she lifted a paw and began licking it clean.


  18. When Tidepool had finished grooming herself she felt strangely tired. 'Must be from all the stress of those Rouges.' She thought nervously looking toward the den where they where kept. She got to her paws and headed toward the Warriors den.


  19. Bumbulpaw walked to Tidepool and said " Did you here about the roages?"

  20. Tidepool nodded. "Yeah. I don't trust them...But if Featherstar says they'll be heavily guarded I guess it will be okay." She mewed.


  21. Bumbulpaw sadly looked down at his paws and said "Tigerpaw almost died when we attacked them. If we hadent tryed to chase them out he would be okay but he got hurt."

  22. Tidepool looked at Bumblepaw with sympathy. "Yeah, but even then he is okay. Even if he got hurt, he's still alive. And you were only trying to protect your clan. Now, next time you see rouges, you'll now what to do. You can only learn by your mistakes." She mewed trying to comfort him.


  23. Tigerpaw limped over to them "We won the fight thou." he proudly said. "But you almost died you mousbrain!" Bumbulepaw retorted.

  24. Tidepool smiled at the two of them. "Well, you defended the territory well." She purred, though she was slightly worried for Tigerpaw. He looked pretty bad.


    Crestwing trotted up to the group, Wasppaw following her. "Hello!" She mewed when as she sat down. "Hiya!" Wasppaw mewed to both Tigerpaw and Bumblepaw.


  25. "Hi Wasppaw hi Crestwing" Tigerpaw said. "Look im almost missing one whole ear!" he said. Just then Mistypaw came over to tigerpaw with a bundle of herbs." Here eat theas." she said.

  26. Crestwing gave Tigerpaw a stern look. "That's not something to be proud of. You could have been killed!" She mewed. Wasppaw edged toward Tigerpaw and whispered, "I think its pretty cool." He mewed with a smile.


  27. Mistypaw looked at Wasppaw. "You're crazy!" she thought to her self. Then she heard bombulpaw say "Yha its sort of cool." "Whats wrong with you two?" she said.

  28. Wasppaw looked at Mistypaw with confusion. "Half his ear is MISSING!!" He said with exaggeration. "How is that NOT cool??"

    ~Wasppaw (lolz)

  29. "Here let me show you!" she joked. Before she playfuly tackled Wasppaw. Hey stop it tigerpaw said. When she got off of Wasppaw tigerpaw said "If you think that is cool look at my tail!" Tigerpaw turned around to show a half missing tail.

  30. Wasppaw got to his paws and looked at Tigerpaw's tail. "Wow!" He chuckled. "You'd be lucky if they don't call you Tigerstumpytail for your warrior name." He joked.

    ~Wasppaw (hehe, I got that from the books with Berrynose. :D

  31. Mistypaw looked at Wasppaw she then felt a strong passion for him. Sure he sometimes acted like a mousebrain but she felt something specail for him. "Hey Wasppaw can you help me ghther some herbs?" she hpoefuly asked.

  32. Wasppaw looked away from Tigerpaw's half tail to Mistypaw. He smiled, "Fine with me let me ask Crestwing." He trotted over to his mentor. "Hey Crestwing, Mistypaw wants me to help her collect some herbs. Is that okay?" He asked looking hopeful. "That's fine, just remember watch out for rouges." She mewed. "Yeah,yeah." He said quickly bounding back to the other apprentice. "Let's go, before she decides to make me clean bedding or something!" He mewed quietly.


  33. nightslash stepped out of the warriors den and looked across the clearing and gazed at tidepool. he started his way across to greet her ."err, umm hello TidePool"... he said shyly

  34. Tidepool turned her head to look over at Nightslash. She felt her fur turn hot, "Hi." She tried to sound friendly, instead of really shy. Crestwing looked over too, "Hi Nightslash." She mewed.


  35. "err umm would you like to come hunting with me in the forest"? NightSlash was beginning to feel very nervous

  36. Tidepool smiled happily. "Sure! See you later Crestwing." She mewed to the other she-cat. Then followed Nightslash out of camp.


  37. FeatherStar exited his den with BrightSpot trailing behind him."Good luck!"He called after the leaving cats,then sat at the fresh kill pile to eat with BrightSpot.

  38. Crestwing walked over to them. "Mind if I join you?" She asked pulling out a mouse for herself.


  39. mrowww!!! " im tired" maybe ill ask crestwing to cover for me at the rogues

  40. Tidepool raced into camp after Nightslash. "Actually I think she was going after Wasppaw." She panted sitting down.


  41. "hmm alrite then, this way meh lady" said nightslash humorously

  42. Tidepool smiled, "Oh course dear, sir." She mewed getting to her paws.


  43. "greetings shadowpelt, ive nothing but to watch u yhis nite. my companion here is Tidepool she will help me" " heh , wutever" said shadow pelt

  44. Tidepool settled down infront of the rouges den. She unsheathed her claws instinctively. 'They wont attack...Will they?'


  45. " not likely but if they do you run and get the other warriors, i wont let you get hurt"

  46. Tidepool let herself relax, "I know...Its just, when I was with my family and we were loners we got attacked. My younger sister died..." She mewed feeling the sadness of losing her sister return.


  47. nightslash licked her ear for comfort." well dont worry bout that. i wont let anything happen to you" nighslash said comfortingly. "Tidepool, i love you, you know that rite?

  48. Tidepool purred, twining her tail with his. "Of course. And I love you." She mewed.


  49. purrr . nighslash pressed his flank against tidepool's" you should get some rest , ill watch them"

  50. Tidepool debated about this. She didn't want to leave him alone with rouges, but she was very tired. "Are you sure? I could watch them while you sleep." She mewed.


  51. "nah im good u get some rest " nightslash said humbly

  52. Tidepool smiled, "Okay, see you in the morning." She mewed softly, then licked him on the cheek before heading to the warriors den.


  53. ~After eating~
    FeatherStar and BrightSpot went into the leaders den as the camp went to sleep for the night."Keep your eyes open.Thanks."He said to NightSlash.

  54. Mistypaw came into the clearing and thought "i wonder how tigerpaws doing." She walked towards the freshkill pile.

  55. LeafFur walked into the camp clearing. She gazed at the rogues then walked over to speak with mistypaw. "Mistypaw, maybe u should go and find some chervil. itll help tigerpaws wounds heal"

  56. ok, were would be best to get some chervil? She said.

  57. "the chervil will be found by the training area"

  58. "Ok" Mistypaw said as she bounded away.

  59. Wasppaw grumbled to himself as he walked behind Crestwing. She glanced back every now and then to make sure he hadn't run off again.
    When they made it to the fresh kill pile she mewed to him, "Now hurry and eat, we having training to do." She growled to him. He picked a mouse and began eating.

    ~Wasppaw and Crestwing

  60. FeatherStar stretched and yawned."Good morning."He purred to the cats who were already up and about.BrightSpot bounded from behind him and repeated his greeting.

  61. crowpaw came in the clearing and went to the freshkill pile.

  62. crowpaw looked up and seen the most beautiful she-cat he had ever seen. He shyly said "its ok"

  63. Instantly crowpaw felt a passion for her. So hewent pu to her and said" hi im crowpaw. Do you mind if i eat with you?" he bravly said.

  64. Crowpaw started eating his nouse and then said "have you met tigerpaw? he is missing half a tail and ear!"

  65. Crowpaw sat up and thought to himself "stupid stupid stupid i made her leave!" then he noticed that there wasnt very much in the fresh kill pile so he went hunting.
    (im going tp start posting in the forest now)

  66. Link kitten,did you make a bio for Skypaw?If so,please wait till it's accepted.

  67. Bumbulepaw walked in the clearing and droped his eagle in the fresh kill pile. Just then tigerpaw limped over and yowled "hey guys get over here and look at this!"

  68. FeatherStar entered camp with BumblePaw's sparrow,mouse,and part of his amazing eagle.

  69. He put it down."Are you talking about that?"He reffered to BumblePaw's eagle at TigerPaw.

  70. ( Dangerpaw asked me to RP for her)

    Crowpaw, Mistypaw, and Dangerpaw all came rushing to see the eagle bumbulpaw cought. "Wow!" dangerpaw said "how did you do it!?!" "I jumped on it and bite its neck" he proudly said.

  71. FeatherStar smiled at the apprentices and went his den.
    (I'll do the meeting later.)

  72. Bumbulflight came to the camp entrance, sat down, and started his vigil. He was now a warrior!

  73. FeatherStar went to BumbleFlight."Congratulations."He purred to his former apprentice then went to his den.
    "Good job!"BrightSpot purred as she passed.

  74. Bumbuleflight was tired and hungy. But he wasnt sure if he could go.So he waited.

  75. As the sun rose,FeatherStar came out of his den and went to him."Go rest now,BumbleFLIGHT."He said,then told CrestWing to start dawn patrol.

  76. crowpaw and tigerpaw bounded over to crestwing. "Can we go? tigerpaw asked. mistypaw said that i can go back to apprientice dutys now. "

  77. "Sure.I'd like to see CrestWing keep you away."He purred and went to the nursery.

  78. "Thanks!" they called as thwy fallowed crestwing out of the clearing.

  79. FeatherStar came back out and watched them leave."The clan is growing."He purred."Kits are on the way,new apprentices and warriors."He sighed and smiled.

  80. FeatherStar flicked his ears in Skypaw's direction and looked at her."It's about time we announced your arrival to the clan."He head towards HighRock.(I'll put it on the first page.)

  81. Crestwing came back after a long day of hunting. She had been taking extra patrols out for more food, since there hadn't been much. She let out a sigh and headed toward the warriors den.

    Tidepool trotted after crestwing. All day she had been racing around helping her. She didn't even get to talk to Nightslash! She let out a sigh, disappointed, then went to the warriors den.

    Wasppaw walked slowly and stiffly. "Ow...Ow...Ow" He muttered at each paw step. Crestwing had been making him learn all kinds of things he thought were worthless. "ow....ow....ow...." He finaly made it to the apprentice den. 'I wish I could talk to Mistypaw...' He thought.

    ~All me cats.)

  82. ~After ceremony~
    FeatherStar laid in the clearing and shared tongues with BrightSpot.Her belly was slowly getting more swollen.

  83. Crestwing walked with Wasppaw following behind her. "Featherstar, Brightspot." She dipped her head to each of them.

  84. FeatherStar dipped his head in return,pleased with her kind greeting."Hello,CrestWing.What can I do for you?"He cocked his head.
    BrightSpot smiled."Hi CrestWing."

  85. Crestwing smiled back. "Well, Featherstar if it isn't to much of a bother" She glanced at Wasppaw with irritation, "Could you watch one of Wasppaw's training sessions?" She asked. He crouched behind her scared.


  86. "Sure."FeatherStar purred and got up."Let's go."He turned and exited,his silver tail swishing behind him.
    "Good luck."BrightSpot said to WaspPaw then watched FeatherStar go.
    (Continue in training area.)

  87. (okay) Crestwing followed him out with wasppaw.

  88. Crestwing walked into the camp clearing and took a mouse.


  89. Bumbulflight walked over to skypaw. Did you see crestwing? he asked.

  90. "Ok" he said. "Hey do you want to go hunting?"

  91. FeatherStar came back into camp.He got a mouse for himself then settled by BrightSpot.

  92. Bumbuleflight went to the freshkill pile and droped the eagle there. Then he turned around amd asked crestwing" do you want some eagle? its really good!"

  93. Crestwing looked at the eagle. It smelt delicious!! "Sure." She mewed quickly, her belly growling.


  94. Bumbuleflight tore off a wing for them to share. He heard a few small squeks. "Wow canwe have some!?!" bluekit shyly asked. "Sure" "Thanks!" breezekit said. Bumbuleflight turned and walked back to crestwing.

  95. Crestwing smiled at Bumbleflight, then bent forward to take a small bite. She was surprised how delicious it was! "This is great!" She said after she swallowed her mouth full.


    Wasppaw trotted out of the Apprentice den. Then raced forward eyes wide. "Wow! What is this a dragon!?" He asked hopping around it.

    ~Wasppaw :D

  96. Poppykit followed shyly after her sister."Thanks."She said quietly.
    FeatherStar smiled at the two young kits.
    BrightSpot bit another mouthful of the sparrow and chewed thoroughly.

  97. Wasppaw raced across the clearing when he ran right into Skypaw. "Wah!" he said as they tumbled to the ground. "ugh..." He reached up his paw to his head and rubbed it. "Ouch..Oh s-sorry!" He said smiling nervously.


  98. (hmmm, maybe in a month. We already have some kits here.)

  99. okay. might do it now....
    FeatherStar shook out his fur.'I'm going to take a hunting patrol,I haven't hunted in forever."
    BrightSpot nodded."Take your time."

  100. BrightSpot nodded to FeatherStar,then felt a suddden pain in her stomach.She crumpled to the ground and yowled loudly.
    "What wrong!?"FeatherStar ran to her side."LeafFur!"

  101. Mistypaw was by the freshkill pile when she heard Featherstar yowl for leaffur. She bounded up to featherstar "whats wrong?"

  102. "BrightSpot's having her kits.Now!"FeatherStar tried to say more calm,but this was new on his part."You'll be okay."He licked BrightSpot's fore-head.
    BrightSpot smiled feebly and nodded.Her body trembled and her fur was beginning to get drenched with cold sweat.She felt a powerful ripple and screeched.

  103. (is it ok if brightspot has 3 kits? What do you want them to be boy or girl?)

    Mistypaw rushed up to brightspots side and said "Your doing great brightspot. Your kits will be born before you know it." Mistypaw watched as brightspot let out another screech. Then she seen a little bundle came out. She called featherstar over to it. she bit it and a small kit came out. "Here, lick it untill it starts to whine" She then turned back to brightspot and said "good job now it's time for the other ones"

  104. (igot this from the book sunrise in the power of three)

  105. She's gonna have two please.
    BrightSpot wailed but caught sight of the first kit.A golden she-kit.
    FeatherStar nodded and licked the little kit furiously.

  106. Mistypaw turned back to BrightSpot. "Ok, good job, only one more -" she was cut off as Brightspot let out another screech. Mistypaw watched as the bundle came out and bit it. She moved towrds Brightspot "you need to lick it till it whines" Then she turned back to featherstar and said "im going to get some strenghening herbs and a few borage leaves" When she came back she gave brightspot the herbs.

  107. Mistypaw looked around. "Skypaw, make yourself useful and get some moss" she said. "brightspot won't be able to move to the nursury to night."

  108. Mistypaw thanked skypaw as she made a nest around brightspot.

  109. FeatherStar began licking the light gray tom with dark specks and stripes.He nudged it to BrightSpot."Is it over?"She whimpered.

  110. Mistypaw noded. "Its over Brightspot" she said. "And you have two great, strong kits".

  111. BrightSpot opened her eyes.She stared at the two kits.She smiled and licked their heads.
    FeatherStar purred."What should we call them?"

  112. Mistypaw shook her head. "No, i think that the tom should be called Ashkit becouse hes ash colored and the she-cat should be called Honeykit becouse she is sort of colored" she said.
    (I seen there bios)

  113. XD yeah.
    "I've always wanted to name my kits that.I'm lucky."BrightSpot purred weakly."But I'm so tired.Good thing it's Green-leaf right now."She snuggled down into her make-shift nest.
    FeatherStar laid beside her and wrapped his tail around her."I'll keep you safe."He promised.He nodded to MistyPaw and SkyPaw to show they could go rest.
