
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Featherstar sag calmly in the clearing.Everything was normal,but something did feel right.He checked on Brightspot and the kits.He checked everywhere.But everything was in order.Then it hit him.There was rouge scent everywhere."Lifeclan,prepare for battle!"Just then tons of rouges poured into the camp."Lifeclan,attack."Featherstar yowled again and leaped into battle.She slashed at a toms eyes and sneered.When a few cats tried to reach the nursery,and jumped to it's defense and sent them fleeing.


  1. Bumbuleflight raced out of the warriors den and right into the battle. He held a rouge down and chomped down in its neck untill the rouge went limp. He raced up to featherstar. "how did they get in ?" he shreeched as he bloked a rouges blow.

    Mistypaw came out fo the medican cat den and tackled a rouge. She knew that she wasnt a warrior but her home was under attack. She was fighting when a rouge pined her down and said "a medican cat apprientice "he smiled" we could use you" He picked her up and staryed carrying her to the entrance. "HELP!" Mistypaw cryed.

  2. Tigerpaw jumped on a rouge and started sending blows to its head. He jumped off and watched it flee then he turned andstarted fighting another rouge. "This is an impossable battle" he thought as he sent another rouge fleeing.

  3. Wasppaw raced out of the Medicine cat den his heart pounding. He had never been in a real fight before, but this was important! The tom looked around wildly, then he saw Mistypaw. His heart jumped with fear, with a snarl he pounced forward biting deep into the rouges shoulder to pull him off. "Stay away from her." he spat out blood, looking more like a clan cat then he ever had.

    Crestwing raced over to Bumbleflight with worry. "Why are they here?" She asked her mate with worry, pressing close to him in fear.

    Tidepool ran out of the Warriors den with fear. She looked around wildly, "Nightslash!!" She yowled, then was knocked down by a strong tabby she-cat. "He ur mate?" She chuckled, "Better say somethin to him now, cause when I'm finished with you you'll never say another word again." She struck a claw across Tidepool's muzzle. "Nightslash!!" She yowled again trying to get the huge she-cat off of her.

  4. *Bulbuleflight shook his head* I dont know but they are trying to drive us out * he licked her between her ears and jumped into the fighting*

    *Mistypaw rushed up to wasppaw* thank starclan you cant i thought that i would never see you agin *she purred then she heard tidepools screech* come on we need to help her *she said as she bound off in tidepools direction*

    *Tigerpaw was fighting a small she-cat when a HUGE tom pulled him away and started shreding him apart* How do you like getting ripped apart by a bigger apponent *he then chomped down on tigerpaws neck. Tigerpaw tryed to call for help but he couldnt talk and the rouge holding him down. Then he heard a snap and everything started to go black* (tigerpaws dying)

  5. (aww!!) Crestwing purred at his reasuring lick. She looked around for an opponent and spotted Tigerpaw. With worry she raced forward, lunging but the tom knocked her off balance and sent her falling into a tumble. "Tigerpaw!" She called with worry.

    Wasppaw nodded, racing after Mistypaw he rammed his head into the side of the she-cat though she didn't move. Her paw was planted hard down on Tidepool's neck blocking her from breathing. She tried to mouth the word help, blood oozing out of her mouth. "Let her go!" Wasppaw snarled, but the she-cat just chuckled.

  6. *Nightclaw was eating a mouse and saw a rouge lunging for her and she an but got pinned and she screeched, she was vunerlable because her her incoming kits coming soon and she hoped the rogue wouldn't know she is a queen and not a warrior*

  7. Furysoul slashed a rouge across the face, it snarled but fled quickly. He turned his attention to Nightclaw when he heard her screech. Lunging forward he ripped the rouge off of her and growled as it clawed his muzzle, just more scars to add to the many he already had.

  8. *hse panted and stared at Furysoul with thanks because she was to scared to speak and she raced towards the nursery, at least she could protect the current queens and kits with some of her moves*

  9. Furysoul smiled at her, but quickly hissed as the rouge bit into his ear. He lifted his paw to slash him across the face, the tom yowled in pain as his eyes turned red with blood. Furysoul jumped off of him as he fled in fear. Then raced over to Nightclaw. "Need a paw?" he asked.

  10. *Nightclaw noded, it wsas hard to fight a rouge while protecting her belly and using only one paw*

  11. Furysoul jumped at a rouge trying to attack Nightclaw. He caught it by the throught and slammed its head into the ground. It let out a moan of pain before it died. Blood stained his paws as Furysoul raised, ready for another attacker.

  12. *she lunged at a rouge heading for the nursery and snarled in his face* I might be expecting kits but I still can kill you! *she clawed hsi thought with all her might and the rogue pushed her off and snarled* yeah sure, queens don't fight!

  13. Furysoul jumped behind him, trapping the rouge. "Watch her." He hissed, claws out just in case he tried to run.

  14. *The rouge paniced and Nightclaw got up and growle and padded to the rogue* just watch me! I used to be in BloodClan you know! *she put her paw on his head and dug her claws hard into his skull* se how you like that!

  15. Furysoul watched ready for any rouges to attack. He was really begginning to like Nightclaw, she was tough, smart, and beautiful. Of course, he could tell anyone that.

  16. *she purred and lashed her tail as the rouge went limp, she stared to like Furysoul, he was a great battler for one thing, she always judged toms on their fighting, but he was also handsome and she looked behind her if any rouge would attack her from behind*

  17. Furysoul dodged a rouge tom who lunged for his throat by ducking his head. "Missed me." He mocked, slashing the males hind quarters as he landed. The rouge turned around quickly and hissed, jumping forward to dig his teeth into Furysoul's shoulder. He yowled in pain, but didn't give up. Reaching forward he gripped the toms neck pulling him off of himself in a bloody gash. He fled quickly. "Not very tough for rouges." he chuckled.

  18. *Nightclaw purred* I bet kits could fight better then that! *she lashed her tail and dodged and rouge who lunged at her*

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  20. Furysoul purred with amusement, "Yeah I be-" He was cut off as a huge tom slammed into him, knocking the breath out of him. He winced in pain as the tom slashed his fore head, making three perfect claw marks down it. "If I fight like a kit you must a mouse!" The rouge chuckled, pinning Furysoul with ease. He yowled in pain as the rouge slowly ripped at his belly, blood staining both cats.

  21. *Nightclaw was filled with rage and leaped at the tom and hissed in his face* fight someone your owjn size kitty-pet! i was Scourge's mate and his kits are coming! *she clawed his throat and make deep gahs in his throat and bit his belly hard and clenched ehr jaws there for a minute and clawed his belly hard* see how you like this!

  22. The tom yowled in rage, turning on Nightclaw. He slashed her belly with satisfaction. "They were coming." He mocked, biting her shoulder and throwing her to the ground hard. Furysoul blinked in confusion, he was dizzy and bleeding fast. Seeing Nightclaw being attack, he got to his paws and jumped at the rouge leaving blood droplets behind.

  23. BrightSpot looked around wide eyed."What's going on!?"She wrapped her tail tightly around AshKit and HoneyKit.
    FeatherStar snarled and slashed around him.He attacked any rouge who even looked at him or his clan-mates."Get away form our clan!!!"He spat furiously and lunged at a big tom.The tom pinned him down on his throat and chomped onto his neck.He gagged and fell limp,twitching occasional.(He's losing a life.)
    The rouge stood triumphantly."I have killed your leader.I suggest you surrender."

  24. *Nightvclaw smield at the rouge* oh he has loads more lives *she twitched her claws and stared at her attacker* they are still ocming that clawing was nothing to the scras I have under my fur *she clawed the rouge's head until sahe felt bone and purred with satisfaction as he fell limp and curcled her tail around her paws and hissed to rouges* I am the feircest queen you will ever know!

  25. Bumbuleflight tackled a rouge and bit into its neck intill it went limp. He turned to see a small tom smaller then an apprientice cower away from him. "Dont kill me PLEASE!!!!!" he said as he tryed to back away from Bumbuleflight. Bumbuleflights eyes were wild from battle. He growled "Then you shouldnt of come!" he pinned down the small cat and prepared to chomp down on his neck when his mind cleared. "Fine, go" he let go of the tom and watched him scamper away.

    Mistpaw watched nightclaw fight in horrer. "Nightclaw! you have kits comeing you shouldnt be fighting!!!" She ran up to her to check her schratches.

  26. *she looked disappointed* but It just began! and besides! I have worst scars*she parted her fur from her shoulder and a huge gash mark was there* you see being a rouge from BloodClan can be very hard working, and besides they let me fight there *she narrowed her eyes* I like fighting..............

  27. Mistypaw sighed" Ok. but be carefull"

  28. Crestwind snarled at him. "You wish you killed him!! When he wakes up, Starclan will be with him." She said threateningly.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. (Crestwind was talking about Featherstar losing a life, just sayin ;D) Tidepool yowled in pain as her air way. The rouges paw was planted down hard on her neck, and she couldn't find Nightslash!

  31. ( oh ok, I'll just delete thsat comment ^-^) *Nightclaw leaped at a tom and clawed hist hroat and waited till he went limp and curled her tail around her paws waiting for a rouge to attack her so she could kill him and purred* I haven't had this much fun in moons!

  32. Furysoul sat up, still trying to catch his breath. "Y-yeah." He purred weakly, blood drizzling from the three marks on his fore head. Wasppaw slammed into the rouge that was choking Tidepool, but he didn't budge. He yowled, "Let her go!" Trying to save his clan mate, but the cat was way to big for him. Tidepool was slowly losing strength, and her eyes began to droop as the air was blocked from her lungs.

  33. ( do you want Tidepool dead? because Nightclaw could save her) *Nightclaw stared down at Furysoul and yowled for Mistpaw to come* MISTPAW! FURYSOUL NEEDS YOUR HELP!

  34. (Yeah, go ahead lol) The rouge chuckled, "You'll never defeat me stupid clan cat." he rasped. Tidepool slowly went limp.

  35. *Nightclaw bashed into the rouge with heavy fource*

  36. Mistypaw raced over to were Furysoul and Nightclaw was. "Im here !!" she called out as she ran up to them with a mouth full cobwebs. "Hes lousing alot of blood" Mistypaw said as she was placing cobwebs over his cuts. "Ok the bleeding has stoped" She watched him for a moment. "Furysouls gunna be ok but that was close"

  37. *Nightclaw nodded* thank you Mistypaw *she stared at the rouges,m they where starting to look as if they where in defeat*

  38. Bumbleflight tackled two rouges and held one down wile he chomped down on the other one neck untill it went limp. He turned to the other one and said "your next!" Bumbleflight clawed at its head untill he felt bone. "Told you" He growled as he clawed another rouge.

  39. *Nightcla wpanted, starting to get tired but she fought bravley, protecting injured Furysoul*

  40. FeatherStar woke in a starry clearing."Mouse-dung."He cursed as a shimmery image appeared."You have lost your second life."FeatherStar looked at the ground."I know."A fiery pain shot through him and he jolted awake.
    "I don't believe you!"The who stood above him spat.FeatherStar jumped up and growled."Really?"A look of surprise and horror spread on the toms face and he fled.FeatherStar leaped back into battle.
    BrightSpot hid in the shadows of the nusery."It's okay little kit,it will be over soon."She soothed AshKit and HoneyKit as their fur raised."Where's daddy?"They asked.

  41. "Daddy is busy right now."Brightspot said with a feeble smile.
    Feahterstar slashed around angrily."LEAVE!This is a fight you WILL NOT WIN!"He spat at the rouges.

  42. nightslash walked into the clearing after a good hunt in horror. he dropped his prey and dashed in search of tidepool. he gazed miserably to see a limp familiar body pinned to the ground by a huge tom. he tackeled the rougue off and rushed to tidepool side. " TIDEPOOL!, SPEAK TO ME!!!"

  43. Featherstar glanced over at his finally returned deputy.A cat slammed to him,spitting furiously.He kicked him off with his hind legs and slashed his belly."Get out!"
