
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When FeatherStar entered camp,he called a meeting."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!"FeatherStar jumped onto HighRock."We have two rouges in our camp.They are here because they have kit far to young for travel.They will either stay here until they'rre kits are grown,or they can stay if they prove a worthy clan cat.Sound fair?"FeatherStar looked around the clearing.(Click title to comment.)


  1. Tidepool felt suspicious about having two rouges in camp. "How can we be sure we can trust them?" She asked raising her voice for all to hear.


  2. FeatherStar turned in TidePools direction."I honestly don't trust the tom,but I think the she-cat is harmless,especially with new-born kits.We will NOT allow the tom to leave camp.None of them.But this is only until the kits can travel.Once they can,we will escort them to the Sunclan border where we found them."He nodded to show TidePool it was an excellent question.

  3. Tidepool thought about the harm the tom could do. Attacking the queens and kits. Maybe even killing a warrior!! She nodded to Featherstar, "As long as the tom is watched carefully I agree, it will be safe." She said realizing that she just couldn't be the cause of a poor bunch of kits and a helpless mother being pushed away.


  4. FeatherStar smiled."Then I guess it is settled.The rouges may stay here under carefu; watch.We don't want to get attacked like Pineclan and Darkclan."He jumped down."Meeting dismissed."
    Brightspot ran up to TidePool."Guess what?!"
    (Continue in clearing please.)
