
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!


The forest is like most.Trees,bushes,but we have a large stream running through it.You can hunt here anytime,and do more.You can find rouges,secretly meet other cats,anything suspenseful to you! ^-^


  1. Stalking through the forest, bumbulpaw sees a large mouse. He prepared to pounce and said "I got you now." He pounced, finshing it off with a quick bite to the neck.

  2. leaffur was gathering herbs along the clan boundaries. she suddenly smelt a very unfamiliar scent. she turned around to see a tom staring at her. "heh, who r u? " asked LeafFur. "my name is shadowpelt, im a uh former clan cat." replied the tom. "From wut clan?" asked LeafFur "tssh u dont need to know." LeafFur felt a strange passion for this cat."heh, guess ill see u round eh?" said shadowpelt. " "i think not" snapped LeafFur" i suggest u leave and never come back!" "Heh, okay but ull miss me."
    "ya im sure" said LeafFur. she watched the tom leave and scurried back to camp

  3. On his way to help leaffur gather herbs bumbulpaw seen a loner. He decied not to help leaffur and fallow the loner. As he fallowed the other cat he noticed that there was more loners then just this one. Thats when he herd them talking. "i told you shadowpelt, you can't let anybody know we'r here!" a shecat said. "You know that we need the herbs!" the other cat (shadowpelt) said. "You know that any of those clancats find us they will drive us out". Just when bumbulpaw was about to go tell fetherstar he herd another voice say "im hungry".
    "Go back to sleep mistkit shadowpelt will go get some fresh kill". "Ok" Thats when bumbulpaw ran back to tell featherstar.

  4. After hunting with Tigerpaw, Bumbulepaw told him the story about the loners Tigerpaw said "Why dont we attack them?" "Dont know" he said "Then lets get them!" "ok!"

  5. They went over to were he listined to the loners conversation.Tigerpaw kreeped out quietly. Thats when he seen them. He said "There is only two of them". "Ok
    Bumbulepaw said "if something happons we just run". They stalked through the bracken untill they were in striking range of the tom. Thats when Bumbulepaw let out a screech that started the small battle.

  6. Instancealy, Tigerpaw leapt on the black tom and bite down hard on his shoulder. Buumbulepaw ducked just in time as the tortoise she-cat leaped at him. He racked his claws across her pelt and turned to see the tortoise go down an old fox den." Now I got to help Tigerpaw". Tigerpaw was being pined down when the huge muscluar black tom said" If you ever come back I will kill you!"and he felt the other cats claws rip into his flesh.Then the loner started clawing at his face he stoped when Bumbulepaw jumped on him,and everything went black.

  7. FeatherStar wondered out of camp when he heard screeching and yowled."What's going on here?"His powerful voice boomed and he emerged to see BumblePaw and TigerPaw attacking a rouge.

  8. when Bumbulpaw herd Featherstar yowl he stoped fighting and explaned that they were trying to drive the loners out. then he lookeddown at tigerpaw and told her that he blacked out

  9. wile Bumbulpaw was talking the loner was looking at his paws."I have to stay here!" He said "my mate has kits to small to travle please let us stay!"

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Bumbulepaw was just about to ask to get leaffur when misty came into the clearing.

  12. XD remember FeatherStar's a dude.
    FeatherStar looked at the rouge."You may stay in our CAMP.I don't want you living in our territory."FeatherStar kept a gruff look but showed sympathy in his voice.

  13. "Thankyou" the loner greatfully said and went to get his mate and kits. Then Mistpaw rushed forword to tigerpaw and said "We need to get him to camp NOW!!!"

  14. FeatherStar gently picked up the young apprentice by his scruff and carried him back to camp,the rouge close behind."Did you hunt anything at all?"FeatherStar said through TrigerPaw's fur.

  15. The rouge said "Yes i could go get it for your freshkill pile if you want me to."

  16. "That would be nice." FeatherStar looked at the tom ,then carried on.

  17. Once they were in the forest Mistypaw led Wasppaw as far away from the camp as she could. Then she said "I need to tell you something."

  18. Wasppaw looked around. He had never been this way before, what could be so important that it needed to be said way out here? "Okay, I'm all ears." He mewed letting his more serious side show.


  19. "I know that this is breaking the rules, but i cant stand it anymore i love you!" she finally blurted out. "I want to be with you." shy finally said.

  20. "so whats life like"? asked nightslash shyly.

  21. Wasppaw's eyes widened. This was against the rules! He hadn't been here long and he had been a kitty-pet, but he knew this much at lease. Even then he couldn't help the happiness he felt when he heard her say these words. "Me too." He finally purred out. 'Did I really just say that?'


    Tidepool walked with Nightslash through the forest. "Oh, the usual. I'm a little worried about those Rouges though..." She muttered feeling truly very nervous about the visitors.


  22. "i dont feel to safe bout it either but hey, its featherstars choice". Nighslash saw a mouse scuttling across a tree. he dashed after it , then came back with his kill

  23. Tidepool smiled, "Nice catch!" She mewed. "Yeah, and Featherstar says that they will be guarded. I guess I shouldn't worry." Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted a robin pecking at a small seed. she crouched, stalked it, then caught it right as it tried to fly away.


  24. "ha,great job"nighslash said amusingly. "well u dont have to worry tonite, ill be guarding the rogues tonite" nightslash said reassuringly.

  25. Tidepool did feel reassured by this. "That's good...You sure you don't need any company? I could help you..." She mewed feeling embarrassed.


  26. Mistypaw felt a surge of happeness go throu her. "What are we going to do? We cant let anybudy find out about us. shy said.

  27. "oh... thatd be nice!" NightSlash said with a purr growing in his throat

  28. Wasppaw thought for a moment. "We could met here some nights! And...hmm. We could go searching for herbs together." He mewed getting more and more sure his plan would work. "No one has to know." He purred.


    Tidepool smiled, "Great, so how about we check the borders just to be safe. There could be more of those Rouges." She mewed wanting to spend more time with Nightslash.


  29. "good idea, how bout we chat on the way". nighslah was enjoying this time with Tidepool very much.

  30. "That is a great idea! she said. Lets stay here for a wile so we wont rise susoishion".

  31. Tidepool hide a purr. "Okay." She buried her prey to pick up later, then began walking toward the place where the Rouges where found. "I think Crestwing is going to have her paws full with Wasppaw. He seems to have a habit of exaggerating." She mewed remembering how Wasppaw had acted when he saw Tigerpaws battle scars.


  32. nightslash couldnt help but blurting out laughing." heheh i think ur probly right." "tidepool , i need to talk to you... what, what do u think of me?" he finally said

  33. Tidepool looked at her paws shyly. "Well, I like you...A lot." She mewed not exactly sure how to word her feelings for him.


  34. ~purrr~ was nightslash's reaction." um you too TidePool'

  35. "Help me get some fo thease poppy seeds so we can have something to bring to camp."she said.

  36. Tidepool wanted to tell him just how much she like him, but found now words to describe it. She purred. Well, almost no words. "Nightslash...I love you." She spoke very quietly.


    Wasppaw nodded and quickly scooped up a paw full. "Alright." He mewed having picked up as much as possible.


  37. " oh tidepool, i love you too" nightslash was beginning to feel like he was flying like an eagle. his heart felt like it was about to leap out of his chest

  38. Tidepool was purring so hard she could barely talk. "I had hoped so." She mewed feeling like she could run forever and ever without getting tired, as long as she had Nightslash at her side.


  39. Mistypaw started to walk along the border with Wasppaw. when she stoped and said "Hide i hear tidepool and nightslash comeing!"

  40. "err um its getting late we should probly hea back to camp soon" nighslash turned towards Tidepool and rubbed his muzzle against her flank and purred

  41. Wasppaw wondered how she could have heard them, he hadn't. 'Stupid kitty-petness!! I need to learn this warrior stuff fast.' He ducked under a holly bush. Feeling its branches pulling at his fur.


  42. Tidepool purred with a smile, "Yes, I guess so." She gently rubbed her muzzle against Nightslash's flank as well, glad things had finally worked out the way she had hoped for.


  43. nightslash had been trodding back to camp with tidepool when he scented more thunderclan cats." you smell that"? asked nighslash

  44. After they passed Mistypaw said "That was close. I thhink that we thoud go back to camp now everyone would wonder what happoned to us. What do you think?"she asked.

  45. Tidepool scented the air. "Do you smell that?" She asked quietly. She sniffed around the base of a tree and found it leading somewhere. "I think its this way." She mewed.

    ~Tidepool (ooo they're gonna be caught!! :O

    Wasppaw nodded and then heard something behind them. "They're coming!! We've got to act natural, they'll know we're here by now." He mewed.


  46. "alrite lead the way"said nightslash and trodded after TidePool

  47. ok mistypaw said. She knew that the chances fo them getting cought were really big. She could smell thear fear scent and she knew that they could smell it too.

  48. Wasppaw raced around in a circle, then grabbed a bunch of random plants in his jaws. "Is this the right herb Mistypaw?" he asked very loudly.


    Tidepool followed the scent through the bush to a small clearing, there was Wasppaw and Mistypaw. "What are you doing Wasppaw?" She asked laughing at the sight of a huge clump of plants in his mouth.


  49. Mistypaw told tidepool that he was helping her get herbs.

  50. "hahaha im no medecine cat but that dont look like herbs to me" nightslash said laughing

  51. Wasppaw looked down at the plants in his mouth, then back at the others. He quickly spit them out, rubbing his tongue on his paw to get the dirt off. "weally? I didn notice. He." He mewed around fur, dirt and leaves.


    Tidepool laughed at the young apprentices supposedly 'natural' act.


  52. "hahahahaha well umm ok now run along".

  53. Wasppaw quickly barreled away, embarrassed that he had been so mouse-brained.


    Tidepool watched him go with humor glinting in her eyes. "Guess I was dead on about that exaggeration thing." She mewed laughing.


  54. nightslash let out a mroww of laughter." hahaha i guess u were rite "

  55. FeatherStar quietly left camp and bumped into NightSlash."Oh!Sorry!"He stiffled a purr of embarressment and continued on."I think somethings going on between those two."He turned and looked back at NightSlash and TidePool.

  56. nightslash turned to Tidepool and asked her"wuts he up to"?

  57. Wasppaw raced into Nightslash. "oh uh..Sorry?" He mewed giving a big nervous smile.


    Tidepool shrugged. "Maybe just needed some air?"


  58. "hmm alrite" " so lets head back to camp, race you to the clearing" he mewed

  59. Wasppaw began creeping back. "Right, uh, you two have fun with that..." Suddenly a voice sounded from a tree length away. "Wasppaw!!" "Gotta go!" he mewed then dashed off.


    Tidepool figured that was Crestwing looking for him. She laughed, "I'll beat you!" She mewed taking off.


  60. ~Later~
    After finishing his walk,FeatherStar returned to camp.

  61. (Mistypaw really gets ferns)

    Mistypaw went to the training area to look for chervil. When she found it she started to think about wasppaw. after she gets all that she needs she went back to camp

  62. FeatherStar walked into the forest to begin asessing BumblePaw's hunting skills.

  63. Bumbulpaw went out on a hunting assment with featherstar. Bumbulpaw turned to featherstar and said"Im going to hunt by the river." Then he turned and bounded off

  64. FeatherStar nodded,then rolled in a patch of wil garlic to disguise his scent.He crept stealthily through the under-growth and watched BumblePaw closly.He made sure that BumblePaw wouldn't hear,see,or smell him.

  65. Once bumbulepaw got to the river, he paused to sent the air. He found a fresh mouse scent and started to fallow it. He seen the mouse about three tail lenghts away. Bumbulpaw stalked it till he was in pouncing distance of it, quickly trapping it between his paws he then bit it in the neck. He buried his kill next to a tree and carried on.

  66. FeatherStar quietly purred at his apprentice's skills."He's ready to be a warrior soon."He said to himself quietly.

  67. Bumbulpaw soon found a new scent trail and started hallowing it. he came into a small clearing in the forest to see a rabbit. Just as he was about to pounce at the rabbit, he looked up to see a egale soaring down ai his prey. Bumbulepaw decided to try an idea.he wated for the eagle st grab the rabbit, then he burst throu the under groth just as the eagle started to take off. He heard the huge bird screech out in pain as he tryed to bite its neck. when he found it Bumbulepaw chomped with all of his force and killed it. He simaled to him self and said "Wow! i cant wait to show featherstar this!"

  68. (Bu the way,BumblePaw has no idea that he's watching him.He just thinks FeatherStar sent him hunting,okay?)
    FeatherStar stared in shock as BumblePaw brought down an eagle."Wow."He blinked."I'll let him go a little longer,then tell him how he did."

  69. Bumbulpaw draged his eagle back tothe tree. After buring it he started to fallow another scent trail. This time it was a sparrow. He came up to it and pounced. He landed right on its head by accident. "Opps" he said wile staring at the bird's crushed head. "Well i still got it" he said Wile buring it.

  70. FeatherStar laughed a little."Good job."He emerged from the ferns."That's quite enough kill.Do you need help taking it back?I saw you take down that eagle."

  71. "Yes ill need alot of help" he happly said. "We might have to make two trips" he said as featherstar helped him carry the eagle back to camp.

  72. FeatherStar smiled.As well has helping BumblePaw carry the eagle,he also had the sparrow and mouse that he caught."Did you want to bring back the rabbit that was killed?"

  73. "Yha i have it right here" he said as he proudly carryed his kill. (im going to start posting inthe camp clearing now)

  74. Crestwing walked through the Forest quietly. She scented the air carefully, glad she didn't have Wasppaw tromping around behind her scaring off all the prey.


  75. Bumbuleflight was inthe small clearing were he killed the eagle. He was waiting.

  76. Crestwing spotted a plump mouse. She stalked forward, narrowed her eyes, then pounced. When she landed she killed it swiftly, then noticed Bumbleflight sitting near by. She trotted up to him with her prey. "Nice catch!" She purred.


  77. "Hi crestwing" he whispred "Im wa-" he looked up and seen an eagle. "Look up there. im going to kill it for freshkill."

  78. Crestwing looked up, "Good luck." She whispered, trying not to disturb it. She crouched and watched.


  79. Bumbulepaw looked around and said "Im going to use your mouse." He picked it up and threw it in to the middle of the clearing. Thats when the eagle swooped down to get it. Bumbuleflight jumped on its back. He quickly found its neck and bit down as hard as he could. The eagle died and fell to the ground. " told you" he purred to crestwing.

  80. Crestwing's eyes widened. "Wow! Oh, Bumbleflight that was amazing!" She purred and walked over to the eagle that was twice her size "You truly have a gift." She said to him smiling.


  81. "Look heres your mouse"he said"can you help me carry it back to camp? This one is real big.

  82. Crestwing nodded, "Of course." She picked up one of the wings and began to heave it to camp with Bumbleflight.


  83. Bumbuleflight walked back to camp with crestwing. He wanted to tell her something that he couldnt hide anymore. "Hey crestwing I need to tell you something".

  84. Crestwing glanced back, she hoped he was going to say what she thought he was going to say. "Sure, what is it?" He asked around feathers.


  85. "I love you and want to be your mate, FOREVER" he said.

  86. Crestwing dropped the eagle wing with surprise. She turned around quickly and purred loudly. "Oh, Me too! I'm so glad you feel the same way." She walked toward him and pressed her muzzle against his cheek purring.

    ~Crestwing :D

  87. Bumbuleflight twined his tail with hers and said "I wanted to tell you forever but i couldent get alone with you."

  88. Crestwing felt happiness fill her up. "Well, I'm glad you got the chance now." She never wanted to go anywhere, she would be perfectly happy right here with Bumbleflight forever.


  89. Bumbuleflight looked deep into her eyes. He wanted to stay were he was when he heard tigerpaw say "hurry up! i want some of that egale!" Bumbuleflight sighed and said "i gess we should get this eagle back to camp."

  90. Crestwing sighed. "Your right, lets go." She looked into his eyes one more time before turning around and picking up the eagles wing again. She began to head toward camp.


  91. Wasppaw padded through the Forest, going as far away from camp as possible. Toward the border, he waited in a grassy clearing. "Come on Mistypaw...Crestwing will be looking for me soon.." He muttered to himself shifting his paws nervously.

  92. Mistypaw ran over toward were they were supposted to meet. She burst through the undergroth and walked over to wasppaw.

  93. Wasppaw happily jumped to his paws, "I was beginning to think you wouldn't come." He purred licking her between the ears.

  94. Mistypaw purred "of corse i was coming! lionpaw got a thorn stuck in his eye." She twined her tail with his and said "I wouldnt leave you."

  95. He smiled happily, "Neither would I." He purred. This seemed so perfect to him, how could it be against the rules?
