
Clan Status:

Prey:The prey is well.There is starting to be a little less because of upcoming Leaf-fall,so we must start storing prey.

Health:There are no sicknesses in the clan right now.

Mate Status:Mates are, Featherstar and Brightspot,Nightslash and Tidepool.Nightclaw is looking for a mate to father her kits.Also,Bumbleflight likes Skycloud and Ricochetpaw likes Poppypaw.

New cats: Our newest cats are Wolfkit and Fernkit of Nightclaw,Meltedpaw,Frostedpaw and Ricochetpaw.Please welcome them!

Battle status:We are helping Twilightclan to attack Pineclan for continuous trespassing.

Popularity:I have noticed how people barely get on here anymore.Once you see this please try and get on very often.Also try to advertise so we could have more cats to join us.

That is the Clan status!


The nursery is where the queens and their kits sleep.It is a cave that is in a weathered rock.It is also constantly warm.We keep feathers for bedding and kits play with.


  1. BrightSpot led the rouge into the nursery."This is where you will stay with your kits."She scraped up a nest for the queen and left.

  2. "Wow theas clancats are very different from the last clan" she thought to herself before settling down with her kits.

  3. BrightSpot felt confusion on her,then put some feathers in Hawktails nest.She then scraped a nest for herself,since she was so sure she would expect kits soon.

  4. FeatherStar came in."How are you doing BrightSpot?"He asked his mate and licked her fore-head.
    "Good,but I don't see the point of moving in here now.The kits won't be here for many moons."She purred.
    "I just want to make sure your safe and that the kitting works out."
    "Okay then."

  5. *Nightclaw licked her swollen belly, sometimes she felt a throbbing pain and she wanted to know how long until she had her kits. She licked her belly again and felt another pain and she lied her head down on the nest until the pain stopped*

  6. Nightyclaw had her kittens. YAY :D

    only two


    kit, 0 moons right now lol

    dark gray tom with bright amber eyes, loves the night and seems to act like a wolf and protects his friends and family

    kin: Nightclaw and Fernkit




    pretty white she-cat with vivid green eyes, kind but has a sharp tounge, is clever and has a great sense of humor, likes nighttime and rain and sticks to herself, a great swimmer

    kin- Nightclaw and Wolfkit, would love to have a mate

